Friday, September 28, 2007

Porn star campaigns against animal abuse

This story cracked me up... I am just going to paste it and then talk about it.

The Volkskrant today focuses on porn star Charisma Gold and her campaign against bestiality and animal porn, which she says has led to her receiving death threats.

Gold, photographed in her S&M cellar with a wall full of whips, says the Netherlands is one of the leading producers of animal porn for the simple reason that it is not illegal.

'It is completely sick what Dutch porn makers are producing,' she tells the paper, before going into the gory details.

Gold's lobbying has resulted in the Labour party submitting a bill banning sex with animals to parliament. MPs will vote on the issue at the end of this year.

The owner of porn company Book and Film international, which claims to be the world's number one in beastiality (their spelling) tells the paper that animals are never forced to perform for the cameras. His company produces 20 or so films a month. 'If the ban comes into force, I will have to close down,' he tells the paper.

I think that this is just a bit ironic, being as she had leather behind her, so I guess she is okay with killing animals and using there skin, but not having sex with them and filming it. I think that this also shows that these somewhat trivial and "celebrity" stories aren't just popular in the US, but around the world. I think that this also has to do with the people that run this website having a sense of humor and just wanting to spark a bit of conversation.

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